What You Should Ask Your Home Inspector

Although it is not required, getting your home inspected is always a good idea. However, sometimes it is hard to understand the report you get afterwards. Home inspectors are not alarmists and don't blow little things up into big ones, nor do they try to play down the importance of thing - they're all about the facts. 

Sometimes the straightforwardness of home inspectors make it hard to understand how big of a deal something is (or is not). Your Lake of the Ozarks real estate agent offers a few questions you should ask your home inspector to help you get a better understanding of your home inspection report.

Question: How Bad Is It?

Many home inspectors are pretty straightforward, which is good. However, sometimes you can't tell how important (or unimportant) something on a home inspection list is and how soon it needs to be taken care of. Items on a home inspection list can vary greatly from a faucet with the hot and cold reversed to foundation repairs. If you attend the inspection and ask them how urgent something needs to get done, they could give you the information you need to understand the degree to which the issue is a serious problem (or not). 

Question: Who Should I Have Fix That?

This is a great question to ask to get more information on how extensive something is going to be. They may let you know if something can be done on your own or if a handyman could handle it. This could be useful information to know and even eliminate the stress after seeing a laundry list of repairs and maintenance items at the end of an inspection report knowing that some of the items can be done yourself or you can hire a handyman to do the small fixes, knowing it shouldn't be too terribly expensive. 

Question: Would You Fix It? 

If this was your home, what would you fix first? This could allow you prioritize the work you plan to do to your home. Somethings on a home inspection list may not have to be done right away, and your home inspector could give you some insight on this. While it is their job to point out everything that might need repair, replacement and maintenance, they also realize that no home is perfect. They may be able to give you some insight on whether something can wait or if it needs to be done right away. 

Question: Can You Show Me?

When you attend the home inspection, you may be busy doing other things as well. The worse case scenario is to get home, open up the report and have no idea what they were referring to or where something is located that needs fixing or replacing. The best way to avoid this is to ask. At the end of the inspection, while your still at the property, ask the inspector to take 10 or 15 minutes and walk you around to home and point out the items they've noted that needs repair, maintenance or further inspection. That way, when you get the report, you'll know what and where the various items belong. 

Question: Can You Show Me How That Works? 

Many home inspectors can show you how to operate various mechanical or other systems in your home and can walk you through the steps of operating everything from the thermostat to your water heater. They may even be able to show you the emergency shutoffs for the gas, water and electrical utilities. 

As your Lake of the Ozarks real estate agent, I want to help you find your dream home at the Lake. When I help you with your home search, I am here for you every step of the way, from picking out properties to look at to the closing date and everything in between. If you are needing help find your new home at the Lake of the Ozarks, call me at 573-216-8439. 

Here For All Your Real Estate Needs At Lake Of The Ozarks!


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