8 Cool Weather Tips for Homeowners

Sure, the days are reasonably chilly right now, the pumpkin spice drinks are flowing, and the trees are JUST hitting the peak of their beauty. Give Mother Nature a few more weeks, though, and we’ll be seeing colder temperatures and Old Man Winter will be making his appearance. As the days get shorter and colder, here your home will appreciate some extra loving care to help it stay protected, and your pocket book will benefit from some great money saving tricks. Here are a few things you can do this winter for your Lake of the Ozarks real estate . Turn it Back Turn your thermostat back 10º to 15º for just 8 hours a day. This is especially true if your home sits empty while you’re away at work. You can actually save up to 15% a year on your heating bill by doing this one simple trick. Just turn it down before you leave for work, and turn it back up when you get home. Switch Your Fans Did you know that you need to turn the switch on your fan to run clockwise in the winter? This...