Tips to Improve Your Late Summer Curb Appeal

First impressions can make or break the sale of your home. 63% of home buyers will drive by a property after viewing a home they like online, according to the National Association of REALTORSĀ®. When selling at the Lake of the Ozarks, it's important to catch the eye of potential buyers as they drive by your home. Below you can find some helpful hints to improve your curb appeal this time of year.

Break out the Power Washer

To create a clean and polished look for the exterior of your home, it can be helpful to power wash on a regular basis. This can help to remove any mildew or mold that builds up throughout the rainy and damp season of spring and summer. It also gives your entire home a fresh and clean appearance for potential buyers to appreciate. While you have the washer out, consider spraying down the deck and walkways too.

Tame the Weeds

Around your lawn and garden try to use a weed preventative treatment or pull any visible weeds that may pop up. This helps to give your home a polished look. Many homeowners think of doing these tasks during the spring, but it can help to continue your curb appeal by repeating this step toward the end of summer.

Trim Back Your Plants

Your shrubbery and bushes may have grown quite a bit over the spring and summer. Now is a great time to trim them back for a neat appearance. Freshly trimmed plants can help give your entire home a fresh and crisp look.

Create a Neat Path

Aside from power washing your walkway, consider making any needed repairs as well. Your walkway will be the first impression potential buyers have, as they make their way to your front door for a showing. Make a positive impression by keeping this space clean and looking nice.

Add Some Color

Consider adding a potted plant or other statement piece to your front entry way. Fall flowers are starting to bloom and can be a festive and fun way to add some color. A colorful and inviting rug at the front door is another fun way to add a pop of color to your exterior space. If you are dedicated to gaining attention of buyers from the road, think about painting your front door a bold color.

Lighten It Up

Ensure your walkway and other areas of your exterior are well lit at night. Whether you place landscape lights throughout your garden or have a bold front porch light, it's important that potential buyers can safely make their way to your front door when they schedule a showing.

Now that you know some of the ways to improve your late summer curb appeal, you're ready to start making changes around your property. While all of these tips may not apply to your home, it can help spark some inspiration when it comes to your outdoor space. As your trusted real estate agent at the Lake of the Ozarks, I'm here to help you improve the exterior of your home for a better chance to sell your home near the Lake of the Ozarks fast! Give me a call today to get started!

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