5 Tips To Help You Prepare For Your Move

Moving can be a stressful situation. Whether that move is a relocation to a new state or just moving across town, there is a lot that you need to do before that first night in your new home. There will be a lot on your mind and you don’t want to forget to do something important. Your Lake of the Ozarks’ real estate agent is here to help you with your next move. These 5 tips can hopefully make the transition into your next home a little smoother:

1. Get Organized

When going through your items you will want to ask yourself a few tough questions. Do I really need this? Do I use this item? Start creating piles of thing that you need to sell, donate and throw away. If you are finding that your sell/donate piles are starting to grow, consider holding a garage sale. This will help you later when you go to pack because there is no need to bring something you don’t need.

2. Separate Important Items

Important documents such as passports, checkbooks, medication, etc. should all be kept separate from your everyday belongings. Do not put them in boxes that will be in a moving truck. This will lessen the chances of them getting misplaced or lost.

3. Transfer Your Information

Schedule a date for your disconnections or transfer of utilities. Make sure the disconnect happens the day after you plan to move, so you still have electricity the day of your move. For your new home, the earlier you make the call, the better, as sometimes companies will not be able to come out the next day to make the switch. You can fill out a change of address form in advanced as well. This will help you receive your mail at your new address faster so you do not miss out on any important mail, such as bills.

4. Don’t Forget About Food

Before you move, use canned food, frozen food and other items that won’t travel well. It is also wise to only buy what will get eaten before moving.

5. Have a Plan for Your Furniture

Although your furniture may fit nicely in your current home, it may not in your new one. It can be easy to assume everything will work and not take measurements. Set aside time to visit your new home and measure everything and if necessary, create a layout for how you would want your furniture laid out.

Are You Thinking of Moving? Call Me at 573-216-8439!

If you are thinking about moving and would like more information, don’t hesitate to give me a call. Summer is the perfect time to buy a house at the Lake of the Ozarks. My goal is to help you find your dream home. Visit my website to learn more about my services: www.DanSellsTheLake.com

Here For All Your Real Estate Needs At Lake Of The Ozarks!


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