Ready, Set, STAGE!

Do's & Don'ts To Help You Stage Your Home Like A Pro Home staging can make or break the process of selling your house at the Lake of the Ozarks . Staging is the task - or perhaps more accurately, the art - of displaying your home in such a way that it becomes appealing to a wide range of potential buyers. In order to sell your home quickly, properly staging your home is a must. Staging should happen before you ever put your home on the market, and even before you take listing photos. By the time you photograph and begin to show your home, it should be in ideal condition for any buyer. As an experienced Lake of the Ozarks real estate agent , I have seen several homes that were excellently staged. I have also seen several homes that were not. Time and again, the homes with effective staging sell more quickly than the homes without. If you are planning to sell your home at the Lake of the Ozarks in the near future, here are a few do's and don'ts to help you mas...